Time | Label | Session |
08:30 | W03.1 | Welcome |
08:35 | W03.2 | Invited Talk: Dr. Barbara Jobstmann EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, "Reactive Program Synthesis and Repair" Reactive Synthesis aims to automatically construct a reactive program from a temporal specification that describes the desired functional behavior of the system. Often one does not need or want to construct a system from scratch but extend or repair a given system, which makes program repair an interesting alternative. In this talk I will first give a short introduction to Reactive Synthesis. Then, I will present an approach to repair reactive programs using reactive synthesis. This approach aims to produce for a repaired program that satisfies the specification and is syntactically close to the faulty program. Finally, I will present an extension of this approach that produces a program that is also semantically close to the original program by enforcing that a subset of the original traces is preserved. Intuitively, the faulty program is considered to be a part of the specification, which enables us to synthesize meaningful repairs, even for incomplete specifications. |
08:35 | W03.2.1 | Title: Reactive Program Synthesis and Repair Barbara Jobstmann, EPFL, CH |
09:35 | W03.3 | Research Session 1 |
09:35 | W03.3.1 | ELVE: An Interactive and Extensible Visualisation Tool for Logic Circuits Gregoire Hirt1, Ana Petkovska1 and Paolo Ienne2 1EPFL, CH; 2EPFL I&C LAP, CH |
10:00 | W03.4 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | W03.5 | Invited Talk: Dr. Martin Monperrus University of Lille & INRIA, France, "When and how to automatically repair bugs?" I will talk about automatic repair of software bugs. I will describe the different use cases of automatic software repair, and the readiness level of each use case according to the latest advances of the research community. At the end of the talk, I will sketch the vision of "antifragile software", software that does not wait for bugs to naturally happen before doing something. |
10:30 | W03.5.1 | Title: When and how to automatically repair bugs? Martin Montperrus, University of Lille & INRIA, FR |
11:30 | W03.6 | Research Session 2 |
11:30 | W03.6.1 | Mining Latency Guarantees for RT-level Designs Jan Malburg1, Heinz Riener2 and Goerschwin Fey3 1German Aerospace Center, DE; 2DLR, DE; 3Univ. of Bremen, DE |
12:00 | W03.7 | Lunch Break |
13:00 | W03.8 | Research Session 3 |
13:00 | W03.8.1 | Verilog2GEXF Dynamic Large Scale Circuit Visualization Kenneth Schmitz1, Jannis Stoppe2 and Rolf Drechsler3 1University of Bremen, DE; 2Universität Bremen, DE; 3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, GermanyCyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH, Bremen, Germany, DE |
13:25 | W03.8.2 | Computing Exact Fault Candidates Incrementally Heinz Riener1 and Goerschwin Fey2 1DLR, DE; 2Univ. of Bremen, DE |
13:50 | W03.8.3 | A Human-Centered Approach to Routing for Digital Microfluidic Biochip Oliver Keszöcze1, Andre Pols2 and Rolf Drechsler3 1University of Bremen, DE; 2University of Bremen, AD; 3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, GermanyCyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH, Bremen, Germany, DE |
14:15 | W03.8.4 | Making Waveforms Great Again Jannis Stoppe1 and Rolf Drechsler2 1Universität Bremen, DE; 2Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, GermanyCyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH, Bremen, Germany, DE |
14:40 | W03.9 | Coffee Break |
15:00 | W03.10 | Research Session 4 |
15:00 | W03.10.1 | A Natural Language Interface to Design Cyber-Physical Systems Sophia Balkovski1 and Ian Harris2 1University of California Irvine, US; 2University of Californa Irvine, US |
15:25 | W03.10.2 | On Identifying Functional Primitives in Hardware Description Language (HDL) Specifications Christian Krieg1, Martin Mosbeck2, Clifford Wolf2 and Axel Jantsch3 1Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna University of Technology, AT; 2TU Wien, AT; 3Technische Universität Wien, AT |
15:50 | W03.11 | Closing |