Time | Label | Session |
14:30 | M07.1 | Stochastic Computation: the Hypes and the Hopes This tutorial is aimed at a review of the current status, a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages, and an attempt to identify some important questions that are to be addressed for stochastic computation. |
14:30 | M07.1.1 | Introduction to Stochastic Computation: Background, History, and Underlying Theory Jie Han1 and Marc Riedel2 1University of Alberta, CA; 2University of Minnesota, US |
15:15 | M07.1.2 | Stochastic Computation for Reliability Evaluation, Circuit Design, Neural and Biological Networks Jie Han, University of Alberta, CA |
16:30 | M07.1.3 | A General Synthesis methodology and a Deterministic Approach to "Stochastic Computing" Marc Riedel, University of Minnesota, US |
17:15 | M07.1.4 | Applications: Skew Tolerance, Low Power and Novel Substrates Marc Riedel1 and Jie Han2 1University of Minnesota, US; 2University of Alberta, CA |