Date: Wednesday 29 March 2017
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location / Room: Booth 1, Exhibition Area
Label | Presentation Title Authors |
UB06.1 | NOXIM-XT: A BIT-ACCURATE POWER ESTIMATION SIMULATOR FOR NOCS Presenter: Pierre Bomel, Université de Bretagne Sud, FR Authors: André Rossi1, Johann Laurent2 and Erwan Moreac2 1LERIA, Université d'Angers, Angers, France, FR; 2Lab-STICC, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, FR Abstract We have developped an enhanced version of Noxim (Noxim-XT) to estimate the energy consumption of a NoC in a SOC. Noxim-XT is used in a two-step methodology. First, applications are mapped on a SoC and their traffics are extracted by simulation with MPSOcBench. Second, Noxim-XT tests various hardware configurations of the NoC, and for each configuration, the application's traffic is re-injected and replayed, an accurate performance and power breakdown is provided, and the user can choose different data coding strategies. With the help of Noxim XT, each configuration is bit-accurately estimated in terms of energy consumption. After simulation, a spatial mapping of the energy consumption is provided and highlights the hot-spots. Moreover, the new coding strategies allows significant energy saving. Noxim XT simulations and a FPGA-based prototype of a new coding strategy will be demonstrated at the U-booth to illustrate these works. More information ... |
UB06.2 | GREENOPENHEVC: LOW POWER HEVC DECODER Presenter: Menard Daniel, INSA Rennes, FR Authors: Julien Heulot1, Erwan Nogues1, Maxime Pelcat2 and Wassim Hamidouche1 1INSA Rennes, IETR, UBL, FR; 2Institut Pascal, Université Clermont-Ferrand, FR Abstract Video on mobile devices is a must-have feature with the prominence of new services and applications using video like streaming or conferencing. The new video standard HEVC is an appealing technology for service providers. Besides, with the recent progress of SoC, software video decoders are now a reality. The challenge is to provide power efficient design to fit with the compelling demand for long battery. We present here a practical set-up demonstrating that the new HEVC standard can be implemented in software on an embedded GPP multicore platform. Different techniques have been integrated to optimize the energy: data-level and thread level parallelisms, video aware Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling. To push back the limits, algorithm level approximate computing is carried-out on the in-loop filtering. The subjective tests have demonstrated that the quality degradation is almost imperceptible. A mean power of less than 1 Watt is reported for a HD 1080p/24fps video decoding. More information ... |
UB06.3 | TTOOL5G: MODEL-BASED DESIGN OF A 5G UPLINK DATA-LINK LAYER RECEIVER FROM UML/SYSML DIAGRAMS Presenter: Andrea Enrici, Nokia Bell Labs France, FR Authors: Julien Lallet1, Imran Latif1, Ludovic Apvrille2, Renaud Pacalet2 and Adrien Canuel2 1Nokia Bell Labs France, FR; 2Télécom ParisTech, FR Abstract Future 5G networks are expected to provide an increase of 10x in data rates. To meet these requirements, the equipment of baseband stations will be designed using mixed architectures, i.e., DSPs, FPGAs. However, efficiently programming these architectures is not trivial due to the drastic increase in complexity of their design space. To overcome this issue, we need to have unified tools capable of rapidly exploring, partitioning and prototyping the mixed architecture designs of 5G systems. At DATE 2017 University Booth, we demonstrate such a unified tool and show our latest achievements in the automatic code generation engine of TTool/DIPLODOCUS, a UML/SysML framework for the hardware/software co-design of data-flow systems, to support mixed architectures. Our demonstration will show the full design and evaluation of a 5G data-link layer receiver for both a DSP-based and an IP-based designs. We will validate the effectiveness of our solution by comparing automated vs manual designs. More information ... |
UB06.4 | WE DARE: WEARABLE ELECTRONICS DIRECTIONAL AUGMENTED REALITY Presenter: Davide Quaglia, University of Verona, IT Authors: Gianluca Benedetti1 and Walter Vendraminetto2 1Wagoo LLC, IT; 2EDALab srl, IT Abstract Current augmented reality (AR) eyewear solutions require large form factors, weight, cost and energy that reduce usability. In fact, connectivity, image processing, localization, and direction evaluation lead to high processing and power requirements. A multi-antenna system, patented by the industrial partner, enables a new generation of smart eye-wear that elegantly requires less hardware, connectivity, and power to provide AR functionalities. They will allow users to directionally locate nearby radio emitting sources that highlight objects of interest (e.g., people or retail items) by using existing standards like Bluetooth Low Energy, Apple's iBeacon and Google's Eddystone. This booth will report the current level of research addressed by the Computer Science Department of University of Verona and the company Wagoo LLC. In the presented demo, different objects emit an "I am here" signal and a prototype of the smart glasses shows the information related to the observed object. More information ... |
UB06.5 | ITMD: RUN-TIME MANAGEMENT OF CONCURRENT MULIT-THREADED APPLICATIONS ON HETEROGENEOUS MULTI-CORES Presenter: Karunakar Reddy Basireddy, University of Southampton, GB Authors: Amit Singh, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi and Geoff V. Merrett, University of Southampton, GB Abstract Heterogeneous multi-cores often need to deal with multiple applications having different performance requirements concurrently, which generate varying and mixed workloads. Runtime management is required for adapting to such performance requirements and workload variabilities, and to achieve energy efficiency. It is challenging to efficiently exploit different types of cores simultaneously and DVFS potential of cores. We present a run-time management approach that first selects thread-to-core mapping based on the performance requirements and resource availability. Then, it applies online adaptation by adjusting the voltage-frequency (V-f) levels to achieve energy optimization. We demonstrate the proposed run-time management approach on the Odroid-XU3, with various combinations of multi-threaded applications from PARSEC and SPLASH benchmarks. Results show an average improvement in energy efficiency up to 33% compared to existing approaches. More information ... |
UB06.6 | BRAIN TO COMPUTER CONNECTIONS: A FAST TIME-DOMAIN APPROACH FOR BCI TRAINING Presenter: Vito Leonardo Gallo, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, IT Authors: Valerio Francesco Annese and Daniela De Venuto, Politecnico di Bari, IT Abstract We present a P300-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) approach for the brain control of external devices through an innovative approach. The herein proposed HW/SW system acquires the signal from 6 EEG channels and synchronizes them with ad-hoc designed visual stimuli that evocates the P300 signal. The BCI signal processing comprises: (i) a Machine Learning stage, which is based on an algorithm (t-RIDE), which calibrates the system in ~190s (ii) a smart approach for the time-domain features extraction greatly reduces the computational effort, speeding up the classification and finally (iii) the on-line classification, which is entrusted to a linear classifier. Noteworthy results obtained in experimental setup are: (i) P300 spatio-temporal characterization in 1.95s, (ii) classification accuracy of 80.5±4.1% on single-trial. (iii) real time classification in 22ms (WC). As a PoC, supporting videos will show how the BCI outcomes can pilot a prototype car. More information ... |
UB06.7 | PER: METHOD AND TOOL FOR ANALYZING THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN PERFORMANCE, ENERGY AND SCALING IN MULTI- AND MANY-CORE PLATFORMS Presenter: Fei Xia, Newcastle University, GB Authors: Ashur Rafiev, Alexander Romanovsky and Alex Yakovlev, Newcastle University, GB Abstract Parallelization has been used to maintain a reasonable balance between energy consumption and performance in computing systems. However, the effectiveness of parallelization scaling is different for different hardware platforms. This is because the reliable operation region (ROR), a region defined in the voltage-throughput space for any hardware platform, is platform-dependent and its shape determines how effective parallelization scaling is in improving throughput and/or reducing power consumption. Although many of the interlinked issues are known, a unifying analysis method has just now been proposed to study the interplay between performance, energy, reliability and parallelization scaling. The method of bi-normalization of the ROR is designed to help achieve a meaningful cross-platform analysis of this interplay. The PER tool brings all these issues together and helps designers reason about hardware parallelization, DVFS and software parallelizability. More information ... |
UB06.8 | TIDES: NON-LINEAR WAVEFORMS FOR QUICK TRACE NAVIGATION Presenter: Jannis Stoppe, University of Bremen, DE Author: Rolf Drechsler, University of Bremen / DFKI, DE Abstract System trace analysis is mostly done using waveform viewers -- tools that relate signals and their assignments at certain times. While generic hardware design is subject to some innovative visualisation ideas and software visualisation has been a research topic for much longer, these classic tools have been part of the design process since the earlier days of hardware design -- and have not changed much over the decades. Instead, the currently available programs have evolved to look practically the same, all following a familiar pattern that has not changed since their initial appearance. We argue that there is still room for innovation beyond the very classic waveform display though. We implemented a proof-of-concept waveform viewer (codenamed Tides) that has several unique features that go beyond the standard set of features for waveform viewers. More information ... |
UB06.9 | SEFILE: A SECURE FILESYSTEM IN USERSPACE VIA SECUBE™ Presenter: Giuseppe Airofarulla, CINI, IT Authors: Paolo Prinetto1 and Antonio Varriale2 1CINI & Politecnico di Torino, IT; 2Blu5 Labs Ltd., IT Abstract The SEcube™ Open Source platform is a combination of three main cores in a single-chip design. Low-power ARM Cortex-M4 processor, a flexible and fast Field-Programmable-Gate-Array (FPGA), and an EAL5+ certified Security Controller (SmartCard) are embedded in an extremely compact package. This makes it a unique Open Source security environment where each function can be optimized, executed, and verified on its proper hardware device. In this demo, we present a Windows wrapper for a Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) with an HDD firewall resorting to the hardware built-in capabilities, and the software libraries, of the SEcube™. More information ... |
UB06.10 | LABSMILING: A FRAMEWORK, COMPOSED OF A REMOTELY ACCESSIBLE TESTBED AND RELATED SW TOOLS, FOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF LOW DATA-RATE WIRELESS PERSONAL AREA NETWORKS BASED ON IEEE 802.15.4 Presenter: Marco Santic, University of L'Aquila, IT Authors: Luigi Pomante, Walter Tiberti, Carlo Centofanti and Lorenzo Di Giuseppe, DEWS - Università di L'Aquila, IT Abstract Low data-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs) are even more present in the fields of IoT, wearable devices and health monitoring. The development, deployment and test of such systems, based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard (and its derivations, e.g. 15.4e), require the exploitation of a testbed when the network is not trivial and grows in complexity. This demo shows the framework of LabSmiling: a testbed and related SW tools that connect a meaningful (but still scalable) number of physical devices (sensor nodes) located in a real environment. It offers the following services: program, reset, switch on/off single devices; connect to devices up/down links to inject or receive commands/msgs/packets in/from the network; set devices as low level packet sniffers, allowing to test/debug protocol compliances or extensions. Advanced services are: possibility of design test scenarios for the evaluation of network metrics (throughput, latencies, etc.) and custom application verification. More information ... |
14:00 | End of session |
16:00 | Coffee Break in Exhibition Area On all conference days (Tuesday to Thursday), coffee and tea will be served during the coffee breaks at the below-mentioned times in the exhibition area. Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017