The University Booth 2011 is announced. Universities and public research institutes are invited to demonstrate their hardware platforms, prototypes tools and pre-commercial results. In addition, we also want to encourage R&D projects to present their outstanding solutions at the University Booth.
DATE, the Design, Automation and Test Conference and Exhibition is the unique European event bringing together researchers, users and vendors as well as specialists in design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. The University Booth is part of the DATE program and is sponsored by the DATE Sponsor Society.
Being hosted by the largest electronic system design and test conference in Europe, the University Booth offers a unique chance to show your prototypes to both academia and industry during the exhibition. Demonstrations have to be accompanied by a one-page full description which will be published and distributed to all conference participants. They are presented at the Booth and will be supported by electronic and/or other media. The University Booth is a separate booth in the exhibition area.
Deadlines and schedule
January 14, 2011: Deadline for submission
January 19, 2011: Notification of acceptance
February 7, 2011: Full description of the demonstrator in PDF
March 15-17, 2011: University Booth at DATE
Contact and submission
For any further information or requests feel free to contact the University Booth chairs via email: university-booth date-conference [dot] com.
To submit your proposal we will prepare a web based submission form that will be announced December 1.
University Booth co-chairs
Lorena Anghel, Grenoble INP/TIMA
Volker Schoeber, edacentrum, Hannover