General Chair
Bashir M. Al-Hashimi
University of Southampton, UK
bmah ecs [dot] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk
Vice Gerneral Chair
Wolfgang Rosenstiel
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, DE
rosenstiel informatik [dot] uni-tuebingen [dot] de
Past Chair
Giovanni De Micheli
Giovanni [dot] demicheli epfl [dot] ch
Programme Chair
Enrico Macii
Politecnico di Torino, IT
enrico [dot] macii polito [dot] it
Vice Programme Chair
Lothar Thiele
ETH Zurich, CH
thiele tik [dot] ee [dot] ethz [dot] ch
Finance Chair
Donatella Sciuto
Politecnico di Milano, IT
sciuto elet [dot] polimi [dot] it
Applications Design Chair
Pol Marchal
IMEC, Leuwen, BE
Pol [dot] Marchal imec [dot] be
Embedded Software Chair
Petru Eles
Univ. Linkoeping, SE
petel ida [dot] liu [dot] se
Test & DFM Chair
Erik Jan Marinissen
IMEC, Leuwen, BE
mariniss imec [dot] be
Executive Track Chair
Yervant Zorian
Synopsys, US
yervant [dot] zorian synopsys [dot] com
Special Sessions Co-Chair
Wolfgang Mueller
University of Paderborn, SE
wolfgang acm [dot] org
Special Sessions Co-Chair
Tom Fitzpatrick
Mentor Graphics
tom_fitzpatrick mentor [dot] com
Tutorials Chair
Luca Fanucci
University of Pisa, IT
l [dot] fanucci iet [dot] unipi [dot] it
Friday Workshops Chair
Nicola Nicolici
McMaster Uni., Canada
nicola ece [dot] mcmaster [dot] ca
Interactive Presentations Chair
Andrea Acquaviva
Politecnico di Torino, IT
andrea [dot] acquaviva polito [dot] it
Special day: Smart Devices of the Future
Ahmed Jerraya
ahmed [dot] jerraya cea [dot] fr
John Goodacre
John [dot] Goodacre arm [dot] com
Special day: Intelligent Energy Management - Supply and Utilisation
Paul Mitcheson
Imperial College, UK
paul [dot] mitcheson imperial [dot] ac [dot] uk
Paul Wright
UC Berkeley, USA
pwright citris-uc [dot] org
Local Liasion
Bernard Courtois
Bernard [dot] Courtois imag [dot] fr
Emerging Markets Chair
Rolf Ernst
TU Braunschweig, DE
r [dot] ernst tu-bs [dot] de
Audio Visual Chair
Udo Kebschull
University of Heidelberg, DE
kebschull kip [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de
Publicity & Exhibition Theatre Chair
Juergen Haase
edacentrum, DE
haase edacentrum [dot] de
Press Chair
Fred Santamaria
FREDMARCOM aol [dot] com
Proceedings and Web Chair
David Atienza
david [dot] atienza epfl [dot] ch
European Projects liaison
Franco Fummi
University of Verona, IT
franco [dot] fummi univr [dot] it
Audit Chair
Volker Dueppe
volker [dot] dueppe googlemail [dot] com
ICT Chair
Bastian Ristau
TU Dresden, DE
ristau ifn [dot] et [dot] tu-dresden [dot] de
Awards Chair
Zebo Peng
Univ. Linkoeping, SE
zpe ida [dot] liu [dot] se
Exhibit-Liaison Committee Chair
Paul Double
EDA Solutions Limited
pauldouble eda-solutions [dot] com
Local Arrangement Chair
Salvador Mir
Salvador [dot] Mir imag [dot] fr
University Booth Co-Chair
Lorena Anghel
lorena [dot] anghel imag [dot] fr
University Booth Co-Chair
Volker Schoeber
edacentrum, DE
schoeber edacentrum [dot] de
DAC rep to DATE and DATE to DAC
Georges Gielen
KU Leuven, BE
gielen esat [dot] kuleuven [dot] ac [dot] be
Wolfgang Nebel
Oldenburg Uni., DE
nebel informatik [dot] uni-oldenburg [dot] de
Tohru Ishihara
Kyushu University, JP
ishihara slrc [dot] kyushu-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
EDAC Liaison
Bob Gardner <bobg edac [dot] org>
Anne Cirkel <Anne_Cirkel mentor [dot] com>
EDDA Liaision
Norbert Wehn
University of Kaiserslautern, DE
wehn eit [dot] uni-kl [dot] de
Event/Conference Manager
Sue Menzies
European Conferences, UK
sue [dot] menzies ec [dot] u-net [dot] com
Operations Manager
Claire Cartwright
Europeans Conferences, UK
claire [dot] cartwright ec [dot] u-net [dot] com