Queue Based Memory Management Unit for Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Robert Wittiga, Mattis Haslerb, Emil Matusc and Gerhard Fettweisd
Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems, Technical University Dresden
Sharing tightly coupled memory in a multiprocessor system-on-chip is a promising approach to improve the programming flexibility as well as to ease the constraints imposed by area and power. However, it poses a challenge in terms of access latency. In this paper, we present a queue based memory management unit which combines the low latency access of shared tightly coupled memory with the flexibility of a traditional memory management unit. Our passive conflict detection approach significantly reduces the critical path compared to previously proposed methods while preserving the flexibility associated with dynamic memory allocation and heterogeneous data widths.
Keywords: Tightly Coupled Memory, Memory Management, MPSoC, Embedded System, Interconnect.