Communication-Computation co-Design of Decentralized Task Chain in CPS Applications

Seyyed Ahmad Razavia, Eli Bozorgzadehb and Solmaz S. Kiac
University of California, Irvine


In this paper, we present a method to find an optimal trade-off between computation and communication of decentralized linear task chain running on a network of mobile agents. Task replication has been deployed to reduce the data links among highly correlated nodes in communication networks. The primary goal is to reduce or remove the data links at the cost of increase in computational load at each node. However, with increase in complexity of applications and computation load on end devices with limited resources, the computational load is not negligible. Our proposed selective task replication enables communication-computation tradeoff in decentralized task chains and minimizes the overall local computation overhead while keeping the critical path delay under a threshold delay. We applied our approach to decentralized Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for state estimation in cooperative localization of mobile multi-robot systems. We demonstrate and evaluate our proposed method on a network of 15 Raspberry Pi3B connected via WiFi. Our experimental results show that, using the proposed method, the prediction step of decentralized UKF is faster by 15%, and for the same threshold delay, the overall computation overhead is reduced by 2.41 times, compared to task replication without resource constraint.

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