Evaluating Assertion Set Completeness to Expose Hardware Trojans and Verification Blindspots
Nicole Fern1 and Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng2
1University of California Santa Barbara, USA
2Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Assertion-based verification has been adopted by industry as an efficient specification mechanism. Handwritten assertions encode design intent in a parsable format and have been traditionally used to verify an implementation conforms to the properties outlined by the assertions. Our work makes the observation that design behavior not covered by the assertion set is equally revealing and can be leveraged to identify malicious behavior (hardware Trojans) as well as verification blindspots. The difficulty in examining this unspecified and unverified behavior is differentiating between benign functionality that is truly don’t care and that which leaks information or violates design intent. Prior work exploring assertion set completeness suffers from this inability to distinguish benign unspecified functionality from actual verification holes, while existing Trojan detection techniques can differentiate these categories, but require unspecified functionality already be characterized. Our technique uses the assertion set and simulation trace data available in most industry design flows to characterize unspecified functionality then separates Trojans and verification blindspots from benign behavior using existing Trojan detection methods. Using our technique, we uncover missing functionality in a first-in firstout (FIFO) queue implementation and demonstrate detection of information leakage Trojans. We also illustrate Trojan detection for a system containing several components connected by an AXI4-Lite bus by analyzing the completeness of the AXI4-Lite assertion set provided by ARM.