GraphS: A Graph Processing Accelerator Leveraging SOT-MRAM

Shaahin Angizi1,a, Jiao Sun2, Wei Zhang2 and Deliang Fan1,b
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816
2Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida


In this work, we present GraphS architecture, which transforms current Spin Orbit Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (SOT-MRAM) to massively parallel computational units capable of accelerating graph processing applications. GraphS can be leveraged to greatly reduce energy consumption dealing with underlying adjacency matrix computations, eliminating unnecessary off-chip accesses and providing ultra-high internal vbandwidth. The device-to-architecture co-simulation for three social network data-sets indicate roughly 3.6× higher energyefficiency and 5.3× speed-up over recent ReRAM crossbar. It achieves ∼4× higher energy-efficiency and 5.1× speed-up over recent processing-in-DRAM acceleration methods.

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