DATE 2009

DATE'09 Conference: System Specification and Modelling (D1), Design Methods, Tools, Algorithms and Languages Track CFP

Topic Description

Modelling and specification methodologies for complex, HW-SW embedded systems; System modelling and specification languages; Model-based design; Executable specifications; Specification analysis; Analog-mixed signal modeling and specification, Models of computation; Formal specification and semantics.

Topic Technical Committee

Sara Bocchio (ST)
Dominique Borrione (TIMA)
Mirko Conrad (The MathWorks)
Anne-Marie Fouilliard (Thales)
Andreas Gerstlauer (Universit of California at Irvine)
Masaharu Imai (Osaka University)
Johan Lilius (Åbo Akademi University)
Wolfganng Mueller (University of Paderborn)
Ingo Sander (KTH)
Alain Vachoux (EPFL)

Submission Instructions

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically before September 7th, 2008, following the instructions on the conference Web page The accepted file formats are PDF and Postscript. Manuscripts received in hard-copy form will not be processed.
Papers can be submitted for either standard oral presentation or for interactive presentation. Standard oral presentations require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results, and are held in front of a full audience. Besides these, DATE will again include interactive presentations of novel ideas that may require additional research or lack experimental data. Presentations are given on a laptop in a face-to-face discussion area.
Submissions should not exceed 6 pages in length for oral-presentation and 4 pages in length for interactive-presentation papers, and should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 or letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt (templates are available on the DATE Web site for your convenience). To permit blind review, submissions should not include the author names. Any submission not in line with the above rules will be discarded.
All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness. The Programme Committee reserves the right to accept interesting contributions that do not meet the criteria for standard oral presentations, as interactive presentations.

Topic Chairs

Eugenio Villar
University of Cantabria, Spain
e-mail: villar [at] teisa [dot] unican [dot] es

Grant Martin
Tensilica, USA
e-mail: gmartin [at] tensilica [dot] com
