DATE 2009


Technical Programme Committee

T5 Test for Variability, Reliability and Defects

Chair Sandeep Kundu
  University of Mass., USA
kundu [at] ecs [dot] umass [dot] edu
Co-Chair Antonio Rubio
antonio [dot] rubio [at] upc [dot] edu

T6 Mixed-Signal/RF/MEMS Testing and DFX Engineering

Chair Slavador Mir
salvador [dot] mir [at] imag [dot] fr
Co-Chair Carsten Wegener
  Infineon Technologies, USA
Carsten [dot] Wegener [at] infineon [dot] com

E1 Real-time and Dependable Systems - Principles and Practice

Chair Petru Eles
  Linkoping University, SE
petel [at] ida [dot] liu [dot] se
Co-Chair Luis Alemida
  Universidade de Aveiro, PT
lda [at] det [dot] ua [dot] pt

E2 Compilers and Code Generation for Embedded Systems

Chair Rainer Leupers
  RWTH Aachen, DE
leupers [at] iss [dot] rwth-aachen [dot] de
Co-Chair Shuvra Bhattacharyya
  University of Maryland, USA
ssb [at] umd [dot] edu

E3 Model-based Design for Embedded Systems

Chair Ed Brinksma
  TU Eindhoven, NL
Ed [dot] Brinksma [at] esi [dot] nl
Co-Chair Pieter Mosterman
  The MathWorks, USA
Pieter [dot] Mosterman [at] mathworks [dot] com

E4 Software Architectures and Principles for Embedded MPSoC and Multi-core Systems

Chair Chris Schläger
  AMD, Dresden, DE
Chris [dot] Schlaeger [at] amd [dot] com
Co-Chair Pascal Felber
  Université de Neuchâtel, CH
pascal [dot] felber [at] unine [dot] ch

E5 Embedded Software Applications: Tools, Languages, and Methodologies

Chair Wolfgang Ecker
  Infineon Technologies, DE
Wolfgang [dot] Ecker [at] infineon [dot] com
Co-Chair Stuart Hutchesson
  Rolls-Royce, UK
Stuart [dot] Hutchesson [at] rolls-royce [dot] com