The 12th DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. It puts strong emphasis on ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded systems, including embedded software.
Topic Description
Papers are solicited in the following topics: Synthesis of complete systems, application and domain-specific synthesis techniques, system-level scheduling, hardware-centric system-level synthesis; HW/SW interface and communication synthesis; Protocol synthesis and
optimization; system optimisation for all cost functions (timing, electrical, non-functional); multiobjective optimisation; classical and nature-inspired optimization techniques; HW/SW partitioning.
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. The Application Design Track is devoted to the presentation and discussion of design experiences with a high degree of industrial relevance, as well as innovative design methodologies and use of specific design technologies in different application domains.
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